This book is my new shortcut and I have had it on my bedside table for a week.Basically, you find an artist you like either through the front "Core Artist" listing, or through the Index in the back.Flip to the page where the musical artist is and you'll find a listing of 10 - 12 other musical artists that the book thinks you might like.
For instance, I looked up Iggy Pop and I recognized most of the "Artists you'll like" except for one: The Dictators.This was new to me, so I checked them out online and they are awesome!That's the way this book works, and they have artists from every kind of music, from classic rock, to punk, to jazz, to folk, to world music...
I just wonder how big this book will have to grow over the years as more and more artists come out.
Anyway, if you like music you'll really enjoy this book!I am getting a few extras for my friends for Christmas.
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Product Description:
You know what music you like, you want more, but you don't know where to start?
Built on the idea that "if you like X, you'll like Y," POCKIT ROCKIT makes it fun, fast, and easy for you to turn on to music you don't know through music you do know.
We've chosen around 200 "core" artists: the subjectively determined, most "important and influential" musical artists of the past 60+ years. For each of these core artists, we've chosen 10 other artists that most listeners would probably find to be of interest if they already enjoy the core artist. For each artist, we have provided a 30-50 word blurb describing the artist's sound and why they might be significant, along with three or four of the artist's best albums.
There's a dazzling array of artists presented, from the most legendary to the most obscure. Whatever your taste, the song of Pockit Rockit remains the same: To turn you on to music you don't know through music you do know.
Buy cheap The Pockit Rockit Music Finder [Paperback] now
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