A treat for the eye with art work and photographs that make adults check thetitle page for a photographer (unlisted - Frank Stewart?is that you?) Atreat for the mind as well.Reading Marsalis' text out loud is a fantasticelixer for verbal sophistication with vibe.An even more intense dosage(which some of us need) is found in his "Sweet Swung Blues . .."
Now, the point of this book is music theory.Can Wynton teachyour child that which you - a grown man with complete power overchild-proof lids - cannot understand?You know how as a little kid, you'dwatch TV (say, ScoobyDoo) and the picture would be a little out of focus? Then your dad would come in and adjust the rabbit ears and - blammo!instant clarity!This is Marsalis discribing music theory.Blammo! Instant clarity!
It is not as good as the videos by the same name, but itfulfills a very worthwhile endeavor of capturing both the information andpresentation of these worldclass videos.The special audio CD includedwith the book is worth the price of the book - easily.
Next - the man. Wynton Marsalis is a 20th and 21st century genius.Don't let anyone tellyou differently, especially music critics(see also: non-musicians).Threeminutes of hearing him play (_especially_ live - don't ever miss him live)is all the defense this paragraph needs.
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