
Jerry Coker's Jazz Keyboard [Paperback] Review

Jerry Coker's Jazz Keyboard [Paperback]If you're a non-pianist musician looking to understand the basics of Jazz piano, like me, or a skilled pianist looking to quickly master the basics of modern Jazz piano- this is the book for you. Coker starts out showing you two simple voicings, and has you work though II-V-Is in all keys. Next, he works though other standard cadences, and some basic standards. He goes from there to develop explore different voicings and accompaniment styles, including blues, rootless voicings,and a range of modern Jazz styles, voicings and idioms.

Coker developed this book as the text for a basic one-semester course for music majors, and if you work at this book every day, within four months you'll be able to comp off a lead sheet with confidence.

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Product Description:
A new book from the man who has set the standard for jazz and improvisation learning materials. A compilation of 15 years of teaching jazz keyboard at several universities. The book also contains a Teacher's Supplement. Usable for classroom or individual study. If you are a pianist, or arrange, compose, accompany, play any instrument, read fake books, coach groups, teach or earn a living in the music field, you need this 64-page book.

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