Actually, it's not a bad evocation of a frantic era and how it ended.Berton paints some great word pictures of what it must have been like to travel with the Wolverines and party with a still young-and-healthy Bix.The skeptical or more serious reader, however, may speculate on exactly where the facts end and the fiction begins.
For a more even-handed bio, a better bet is Sudhalter/Evans' BIX: MAN AND LEGEND, which treats its subject with respect without turning into a dry listing of facts and dates.
Still, REMEMBERING BIX is a fun read for anyone in love with Bix, his music, and his times.
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Product Description:
Never before in paperback: A rare eyewitness appreciation of a jazz legend
Bix has always inspired acclaim, for he was an unmatched master ofthe cornet. Ralph Berton was privileged enough to have been a fan-andyounger brother of Bix's drummer--just as Beiderbecke's genius wasflowering, before he died in 1931 at age twenty-eight. Listening frombehind the piano, tagging along to honky-tonks and jam sessions,Berton heard some of the most extraordinary music of the century, andhe brings Bix and his era alive with a remarkable combination of theexcitement of youth and the perspective of the five decades thatfollowed-decades that confirmed Bix's place in the pantheon of jazz.
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